He says the answer lies in us, as we know more than we can say. Temporary monopolies will be created out of what we cannot say but only understand. And in order to avoid being just a “one-hit wonder” companies will need to maintain the monopolistic edge by transforming either by innovating or by buying innovation. “Keep looking for the answers” advised the futurist.
Kjell A. Nordström
How to Make
in a
Summer '25 Riga
Summer '25 Tallinn
Summer '25 Vilnius
The Principles for Earning Money in a Well-Functioning Market Economy
Rapidly Changing
With Ghandi-like charisma & a unique ability to predict the future, Kjell A. Nordström is one of the world’s most loved & sought-after lecturers. An expert on multinational organizations, Nordström has helped companies – and, indeed, entire societies – to navigate periods of growth & crisis since the 1990s. His mastery of his craft, sharp eye for detail & deep experience infuse his keynotes & leave few in his audiences unaffected.
Dr. Nordström is a prolific writer, in his sixth book, Momentum (2023), co-written with Per Schlingmann, he examines how the world has been affected by the pandemic, the climate crisis and the war in Ukraine. His stance: we are in the middle of a historic moment where citizens, co-workers and capital all expect something new — and the consequences will be all-encompassing.
His Crystal Ball — Your Success:
With a rare prophetic accuracy, Kjell A. Nordström has predicted several important keys to success for organisations in our rapidly changing world. He correctly identified difference and ‘otherness’ as competitive advantages, cities as the new primary agents of the world, and the subtle yet thorough effects of women permeating all levels of society — long before other great minds in business. And although we can only predict the future based on what we know today, a Nordström lecture is your chance to equip your organisation with the most up-to-date thinking.
Dr. Nordström bases his observations and predictions on reliable research, the latest movements on the global market and his unparalleled experience and insight. He conducted research in Lahore and Beijing in the 1990s and monitored and assisted in the reconstruction of countries like Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union. For three decades he has been engaging with the world’s most influential and cutting-edge companies and he consistently tops lists of the greatest management minds in Europe. As such, Nordström is uniquely positioned to observe the movement of powerful global forces and to show his audiences how the future will unfold. When Kjell A. Nordström enters the stage, be prepared for an elegant and captivating lecture that promises to inspire, inform and spellbind.
With several bestselling books and years of cutting-edge research behind them, Nordström’s lectures are guaranteed to make your organisation a stronger competitor in the international arena. Will our globalised world continue to expand, or will it fracture into regional ‘oligons’? Will the workforce of tomorrow be dominated by educated women in cities? How will working conditions and societies change when city centres are hollowed into donuts? Is climate change the greatest business opportunity since the industrial revolution?
These are just a few of the questions Dr. Nordström seeks to answer– and his answers will surprise you.
Be inspired to look to the future. Discover the hidden potential in your company. Explore the opportunities offered by global markets. Learn about next-generation business, work life and society structures. In a tailor-made and unique session with Nordström, be it a keynote speech or management workshop, you will learn how to spot and understand the global forces shaping the future, so that you can make your own predictions.
Breakthrough & Bestsellers:
Kjell A. Nordström had his international breakthrough with the influential Funky Business (1999), co-written with Jonas Ridderstråle. His successful predictions about the new millennium launched his career as an international lecturer and led to frequent appearances on news channels including CNN and CNBC and countless interviews in other news outlets and magazines.
Further success followed with Karaoke Capitalism (2003) and Funky Business Forever (2007).
Along with co-author Per Schlingmann, Nordström wrote the bestselling Urban Express (2014) and Corona Express (2021), books dealing with the workplaces, cities and societies of the future. In their latest book Momentum (2022) they describes how the leaders and managers of tomorrow will be shaped by war, pandemics and climate change. Nordström’s latest book, The Monkey and the Capital, was published in 2023.
Nordström has a doctoral degree in International Business from the Stockholm School of Economics, where he has also played a central role at the prestigious Institute for International Business as one of the founders of the schools most sought after management programs, “The Advanced Management Program – AMP”. AMP was a top-management program that attracted the elite of Scandinavian executives.
The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.
Kjell A. Nordström had his international breakthrough with the influential Funky Business (1999), co-written with Jonas Ridderstråle. His successful predictions about the new millennium launched his career as an international lecturer and led to frequent appearances on news channels including CNN and CNBC and countless interviews in other news outlets and magazines.
Further success followed with Karaoke Capitalism (2003) and Funky Business Forever (2007).
Along with co-author Per Schlingmann, Nordström wrote the bestselling Urban Express (2014) and Corona Express (2021), books dealing with the workplaces, cities and societies of the future. In their latest book Momentum (2022) they describes how the leaders and managers of tomorrow will be shaped by war, pandemics and climate change. Nordström’s latest book, The Monkey and the Capital, was published in 2023.
Nordström has a doctoral degree in International Business from the Stockholm School of Economics, where he has also played a central role at the prestigious Institute for International Business as one of the founders of the schools most sought after management programs, “The Advanced Management Program – AMP”. AMP was a top-management program that attracted the elite of Scandinavian executives.
The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.
From the International Stage to Local Theatre:
When Kjell A. Nordström is not researching or delivering keynote speeches, he is an active investor, committed entrepreneur and theatre aficionado. He runs a prominent Shakespeare group, putting on performances on the Swedish vacation paradise island of Gotland. He serves as advisor to many international companies and makes regular appearances on TV.
At a time when the whole world lives in conditions of restrictions & crises, there are always those who, despite everything, turn challenges into opportunities, change their business, making it stronger; changes their lives, making it happier.
Articulate knowledge is information that can & has been digitized & tacit knowledge is all that what we know but cannot say, it is merely implied. Digitized articulate knowledge is where robot & man can work side by side whereas it is tacit knowledge that will create space for temporary monopolies.
He says the answer lies in us, as we know more than we can say. Temporary monopolies will be created out of what we cannot say but only understand. And in order to avoid being just a “one-hit wonder” companies will need to maintain the monopolistic edge by transforming either by innovating or by buying innovation. “Keep looking for the answers” advised the futurist.
Bringing it all together, Nordström asserts that any money making starts with a good idea, an idea which is simple yet powerful: a temporary monopoly. Only temporary monopolies will make money, he claims. “But where can we find temporary monopolies in this fast-changing digitized business climate?” & the answer lies in the type of knowledge: articulate vs. tacit.
The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.
At a time when the whole world lives in conditions of restrictions & crises, there are always those who, despite everything, turn challenges into opportunities, change their business, making it stronger; changes their lives, making it happier.
Articulate knowledge is information that can & has been digitized & tacit knowledge is all that what we know but cannot say, it is merely implied. Digitized articulate knowledge is where robot & man can work side by side whereas it is tacit knowledge that will create space for temporary monopolies.
He says the answer lies in us, as we know more than we can say. Temporary monopolies will be created out of what we cannot say but only understand. And in order to avoid being just a “one-hit wonder” companies will need to maintain the monopolistic edge by transforming either by innovating or by buying innovation. “Keep looking for the answers” advised the futurist.
Bringing it all together, Nordström asserts that any money making starts with a good idea, an idea which is simple yet powerful: a temporary monopoly. Only temporary monopolies will make money, he claims. “But where can we find temporary monopolies in this fast-changing digitized business climate?” & the answer lies in the type of knowledge: articulate vs. tacit.
The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.
While few customer offerings have a life, all great products and services have a soul.
It’s not only music that goes funky. Politics does too. And so does business in the sense that it doesn’t always follow established principles. Of all the things that are happening now, we never know what will be important in the future.
Whenever we talk about making money, it boils down to monopolies. If you have a monopoly, you make money. I hate IKEA, but I will go there on Saturday – because we need beds for the children, and they have a monopoly. iPhone users shake like alcoholics if you tell them, you’ll get an Android instead.
It is also worth noting that it is extremely difficult to be a great buyer of complementary competencies if you do not have any knowledge about the stuff you are acquiring. Friedrich Nietzsche pointed out that a man has no ears for that to which experience has given him no access. We need knowledge to be able to outsource knowledge.
The 'surplus society' has a surplus of similar companies, employing similar people, with similar educational backgrounds, working in similar jobs, coming up with similar ideas, producing similar things, with similar prices and similar quality.
14:00 — 15:00
Registration & welcome-coffee
15:00 — 16:30
1st part of lecture
16:30 — 17:00
17:00 — 17:30
17:30 — 19:00
2nd part of lecture
19:00 — 19:30
  • From the 7th row
  • Translation (multi-language)
  • Coffee-breaks
  • Recording
  • Materials
  • Photos
  • Certificate
  • 4th-6th row
  • Translation (multi-language)
  • Coffee breaks
  • Recording
  • Materials
  • Photos
  • Certificate
  • 2nd-3rd row
  • Seating at round tables
  • Autographed book
  • Translation (multi-language)
  • Coffee breaks & lunch
  • Recording
  • Materials
  • Photos
  • Certificate
  • Separate check-in desk
  • Separate area for coffee break and networking
  • At the table: champagne, water, fruit
  • First row
  • Seating at round tables
  • Photo with a speaker
  • Autographed book
  • Translation (multi-language)
  • Coffee breaks & lunch
  • Recording
  • Materials
  • Photos
  • Certificate
  • Separate check-in desk
  • Separate area for coffee break and networking
  • At the table: champagne, water, fruit
  • Personal consulting & personal meeting
  • Corporate training
  • Interview
  • Book a Private Speech
To purchase sponsorship package or to discuss any other kind of promo activity (media, books, transfers, drinks, catering, etc.) please fill in the application form:
Hosting Opening/Closing Ceremony (1000+ participants)
Sponsor's speech during the opening (up to 5 minutes) in the hall for 1000+
List of attendee emails who agreed to receive promotions from the partners
Promo Items proceed in radio, TV
Option to have dinner with speakers and VIP attendees
Acquaintance with VIP’s
Branding of the registration area (in case of approval beforehand)
Logo on the badges
Logo on the clients passes
Mentioning during Opening and Closing Ceremonies
Logo and title on all the materials (program, leaflets, notebooks etc.)
Scheduled marketing messages through FB, Instagram before/after the event
Social Media Mentions press and post releases
Video in a lobby
Logo on a registration bar
Promo in the lobby (stand, roll-up, rack etc.)
Complimentary Pass, Platinum Category
Promotional email to all attendees before/after the event
Option to distribute gifts to VIP’s
Banners on conference platform different menus
A Stand in a lobby (12x2/6x4), (9x2), (3x2)
Title of Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze Sponsor
Complimentary Pass (Silver & Business Category)
Option to see the attendee list and the chat on platform
Logo on the packages of the participants
Logo on banner in a lobby
Logo on brand wall in a lobby
Logo on Home page: Instagram, FB
Job listing of the platform
Your business card on the platform
Logo on promotional mailing for the attendees
Logo on the event website with a link to a company details & indicating the title
20% discount on all additional tickets
20% discount on all additional tickets
Haupt Human Development Ltd. — is an International Company: 14 years of experience in organizing international events in Europe.

6 years from the date of reorganization. The company organizes events only with top global speakers for the regional elite (business and public elite of the countries) Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic and many others. Thanks to the accumulated expertise, the company also implements consulting projects in the field of event organization and business strategy.
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