Master-class "Neuromarketing: How to Understand & Conquer your Customers' Brains"
June 05'24: Vilnius
June 07'24: Prague
The biggest revolution in modern marketing is not social media, big data, virtual reality or even AI. These are just new tools. The real revolution is the understanding that everything marketers care about exists in the brains of their customers. Loyalty, likeability, satisfaction, purchase and engagement are all based on electro-chemical responses in the human brain. If these responses will be in favour of your brand or against it depends on how well you target the right brain parts with the right messages in all brand touch points regardless of the channel or tool. Doing marketing today without knowing how your marketing activities affect your customers' brains is problematic and ultimately dangerous. Learn how the brain works, what it likes and what it dislikes, how to use neuro-tech to understand it... and achieve better marketing results than ever before!
About master-class:
is an expert in the field of neuromarketing, management, communications, organizational behavior & change; an award – winning communication professional, book author, educator & consultant. Dr. Nikolaos Dimitriadis (MBA, PhD) has been applying neuroscience in business & education for over fifteen years.
He spoke at TEDx for the urgent need for Brain-Based Communication & he contributed to the NeuroMarketing Manager Program at Hamburg Media School. Dr. Dimitriadis has scanned more than 8,500 brains from 25 countries globally for Neuromarketing, NeuroHR & academic purposes.
He is the Head of Neuro Consulting Services at Optimal HR Group, Athens (Greece), offering cutting-edge Neuromarketing and NeuroHR research and consulting. He has received his PhD and MBA from The University of Sheffield (UK), and he is a certified Neuromarketer. He teaches regularly in various MBAs and other university and corporate programs around the world.
Dr. Dimitriadis is the Chairman of the People Committee at the World Innovation and Change Management Institute in Geneva, Switzerland. He is a Professor of Practice at The University of York Europe Campus, Greece, where he leads the MSc in Neuromarketing. He is the co-founder of Neurogenesis, The Applied Neuroscience Club of Greece. He is also a Visiting Professor at the School of Economics and Business of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Lately, Dr. Dimitriadis helped launch, a Belgium-based pioneering startup in the field of emotional and mental health tech at work. Dr. Dimitriadis received the Greek Excellence Award 2022 from the Hellenic Institute for Customer Service.
He is also the co-author of the book “Neuroscience for Leaders: A Brain Adaptive Leadership Approach” for Kogan Page Publishers.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the inner workings of the major different parts of the human brain and their relation to contemporary leadership.
Apply adaptive approaches to emotions in periods of high unpredictability and crises.
Determine how to optimize decision making through the right mix of intuition and rational thinking.
Use different empathy types for maximizing team cohesion and collaboration.
This Event will:
Analyse case studies of applied Neuromarketing from the speaker's extensive experience from around the world.
Present the technologies and methodologies of modern Neuromarketing.
Showcase the importance of the brain in human experience and describe its functions.
Explain in detail why current marketing, still, does not work and why a new marketing paradigm is needed.
Present a practical model for capturing the customers' brains based on scientific methods of communication.
Provide tips and tricks for applying effective brain-based marketing everyday.
08:00 – 11:00
08:00 – 11:00
Registration & welcome-coffee
11:00 – 12:30
11:00 – 12:30
First part of lecture
12:30 – 13:00
12:30 – 13:00
13:00 – 14:00
13:00 – 14:00
Dinner & coffee-breaks
14:00 – 15:30
14:00 – 15:30
Second part of lecture
15:30 – 16:00
15:30 – 16:00
16:00 – 16:30
16:00 – 16:30
16:30 – 17:00
16:30 – 17:00
Extra Q/A
19:00 – 21:00
19:00 – 21:00
Dinner with a Speaker
15 members only
Brain is NOT a machine.
Brain is about action and movement. No movement – no need for brain.
We are not thinking machines that sometimes feel, we are feeling machines that sometimes think.
Global moto of teenagers: YOLO – you only live once.
Rationality plays a crucial role in decision making, but without the moral compass of emotions and the steady guide of empathy we would just be cold psychopaths.

  • From the 7th row
  • Translation (multi-language)
  • Coffee-breaks & lunch
  • Recording
  • Materials
  • Photos
  • Certificate
  • 4th-6th row
  • Translation (multi-language)
  • Coffee-breaks & lunch
  • Recording
  • Materials
  • Photos
  • Certificate
  • 2nd-3rd row
  • Seating at round tables
  • Autographed book
  • Translation (multi-language)
  • Coffee breaks & lunch
  • Recording
  • Materials
  • Photos
  • Certificate
  • Separate check-in desk
  • Separate area for coffee-break and networking
  • At the table: champagne, water, fruit
  • 1st row
  • Seating at round tables
  • Photo with a speaker
  • Autographed book
  • Translation (multi-language)
  • Coffee-breaks & lunch
  • Recording
  • Materials
  • Photos
  • Certificate
  • Separate check-in desk
  • Separate area for coffee break and networking
  • At the table: champagne, water, fruit
  • Dinner with a Speaker
  • Offline & Online Consulting
  • Interview
  • Corporate Training
To purchase sponsorship package or to discuss any other kind of promo activity (media, books, transfers, drinks, catering, etc.) please fill in the application form:
Hosting Opening/Closing Ceremony (2000+ participants)
Sponsor's speech during the opening (up to 5 minutes) in the hall for 2000+
List of attendee emails who agreed to receive promotions from the partners
Promo Items proceed in radio, TV
Option to have dinner with speakers and VIP attendees
Acquaintance with VIP’s
Branding of the registration area (in case of approval beforehand)
Logo on the badges
Logo on the clients passes
Mentioning during Opening and Closing Ceremonies
Logo and title on all the materials (program, leaflets, notebooks etc.)
Scheduled marketing messages through FB, Instagram before/after the event
Social Media Mentions press and post releases
Video in a lobby
Logo on a registration bar
Promo in the lobby (stand, roll-up, rack etc.)
Complimentary Pass, Platinum Category
Promotional email to all attendees before/after the event
Option to distribute gifts to VIP’s
Banners on conference platform different menus
A Stand in a lobby (12x2/6x4), (9x2), (3x2)
Title of Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze Sponsor
Complimentary Pass (Silver & Business Category)
Option to see the attendee list and the chat on platform
Logo on the packages of the participants
Logo on banner in a lobby
Logo on brand wall in a lobby
Logo on Home page: Instagram, FB
Job listing of the platform
Your business card on the platform
Logo on promotional mailing for the attendees
Logo on the event website with a link to a company details & indicating the title
20% discount on all additional tickets
Promotional code for a 10% discount for sponsor's clients and partners
Ники Хилтон
June 07'24: Prague
June 05'24: Vilnius
( Viber / Whatsapp / Telegram )
( Viber / Whatsapp / Telegram )
Haupt Human Development Ltd. — is an International Company: 14 years of experience in organizing international events in Europe.

6 years from the date of reorganization. The company organizes events only with top global speakers for the regional elite (business and public elite of the countries) Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic and many others. Thanks to the accumulated expertise, the company also implements consulting projects in the field of event organization and business strategy.